کتاب زبان A Student Grammar of Turkish

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ویژگی‌های محصول
  • نویسنده: F. Nihan Ketrez
  • شابک: 978-0521149648
  • قطع کتاب: وزیری
  • نوع جلد: شومیز (نرم)
فروشنده فروشنده: Cofezaban
آماده ارسال ناموجود
128,000 تومان
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محصولات مرتبط

A Student Grammar of Turkish is a  concise introduction to Turkish grammar, designed specifically for  English-speaking students and professionals. Written with the needs of  the learner very much in mind, it sets out the grammar of the language  in a clear and jargon-free style. The book not only explains the  fundamentals of the grammar, but also tests students' understanding in  an interactive way with more than 200 exercises. Key grammar points are  summarised in tables and there are numerous illustrative examples. A  list of grammatical terms used in the book and a key to all the  exercises are also provided. This essential grammar and exercise book  can be used as a supplement for students studying the language, with a  dual function as a reference guide to look up grammar points, and as a  resource from which exercises can be set and language skills practised

F. Nihan Ketrez
قطع کتاب
نوع جلد
شومیز (نرم)
تعداد صفحات
زبان کتاب

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